The History of the Greater St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church
In 1947, a group of Christian people withdrew themselves from the Ideal Missionary Baptist Church, pastored by Reverend J.H. Hankerson. This group formed themselves into a Mission for approximately eight months. Their services were held on Tillman and Merrick each Sunday Morning. On August 5, 1948, a counsel was called for the purpose of organizing this Mission into a regular Missionary Baptist Church.
The late Dr. S.S. Reed served as Moderator; the late Sister Georgia Bryant was secretary. The other participants were Reverend E. Hollis, Reverend C.W. Williams, Reverend Carter, upon recommendation of Reverend G.A. Friley, who was a former member of the Ideal Missionary Baptist Church. The following persons constituted this organization into a Missionary Baptist Church: The Late Thomas Hughes, the late Reverend C.W. Williams, Brother Andrew Mattock, Sister Mattie Friley, Sister Ruby Staples, Brother Emmit Boatwright, Sister Gussie Matlock, Sister Mildred Staples, Deacon Jimmy Staples, Sr., Deacon Thomas Staples, Deacon Frank Staples, Sister Central Boatwright, the late Sister Georgia Bryant, the late Sister Ruth Harden, Sister Hicks, the late Brother Floyd Buckley, Sister Gertrude Buckley, the late Sister Etherlean Staples and two candidates for baptism, Brother Victor Friley and Brother Brant Friley, Jr.
A motion was made and accepted that those named above would be organized into a Missionary Baptist Church. It was resolved that the church would be named Greater St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church and that Reverend G.A. Friley would serve as Pastor.
Due to growth and the pursuit to advance the Kingdom of God, Greater St. Mark found it necessary to relocate in order to accommodate their various ministry needs. Through the years many places have been called home by this body of believers:
1947 – 1950 Tilman and Merrick
1950 – 1952 Hartford and Cobb
1952 - 1962 4014 McKinley
1962 - 1977 4601 Vermont
1977 - 1995 11780 Ohio
1995 - 1996 Jeter Memorial Funeral Home
1996 - Present 15015 Meyers
Pastor Friley organized auxiliaries and began to move the church forward in the area of Christian Service. Since then the Lord has provided shepherds to lead his flock. On June 18, 1954, Greater St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church called the late Reverend Elmer D. Kirby, who served faithfully until his retirement in 1986. In November 1987, Rev. Mark A. Clark was called to serve as Pastor. On April 16, 1996, the church called the late Rev. Jethro F. Hill Sr. as Pastor. After the passing of Pastor Hill, the Lord provided another Pastor after his own heart in the person of Reverend Kenneth G. Giles. Our new shepherd was installed on March 2, 2003. We are grateful for godly leadership, growth and the commitment of God’s people to further advance the work of the kingdom. We thank God for the privilege to have served these many years and anticipate many years of service to come.